Browser module animation in ionic

The  concept of  browser module animation very useful in ionic  4 on animation point of view. The animation is apply in different  form in ionic 4 , Mainly two type of animation use in  ionic. We can  add animation  on  page push ,  and  second on specific component ,  item  , list,  card , so on  enable as animation mode.
   Now Quick  start with  browser module animation

Problems :-  Browser  animation module is not working after  installing  and well  import in app.module.ts.

Solution:- 100% work  ,  Go  to  ionic 4 project,  run command

npm i  @angular/animations@latest --save
npm i angular-animations --save

After  installing  two  in   ionic 4  project ,  Let's move to  integration process

Follow,  Step's

1:- Go to  app.module.ts

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

Then , inside import
import [

2:-  Go to page ,  where you want to attach this animation

"Note there lot's of animation  in browser animation  module.  But  ,  i will  show a concept to use as all  animation. "Fade in " and "Fade Out"

Now,  I am  going to page "Home page "  having  four file "home.module.ts" ,  "" ,  "" and  ""

Inside "" ,  simply paste this code

<ion-button expand="full" color="danger" (click)="data_function()"></ion-button>
<div *ngIf="google" [@fadeInOnEnter] >
<h1> is technical blog</h1>
<div *ngIf="google==false" [@fadeInOnEnter] >
<h3 > Welcome, Fellow user !!!!!!!</h3>

3: - Go to ""  simply paste the given below code , Here  import  "fadein" , "fadeout" animation and make boolean  function that switch on button click.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { fadeInOnEnterAnimation, fadeOutOnLeaveAnimation } from 'angular-animations';

selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
animations: [
export class HomePage {
google : boolean = false

data_function(){ = === false ? true : false

Sources :-

Get code browser animation  module


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