How to use set interval in Typescript

set interval in Typescript

The set interval function is important role to execute the program in certain interval of time. Whatever code is written in setInterval function that execute at a fixed time. The time range is started from millisecond.

Syntax :

setInterval( callback ,  time)

callback:-  ()=>
time:-  We take time in millisecond  E.g(2000)

The example is given below that execute the code on every 2 seconds (2000ms)

      console.log("Hello world")
//2000 is  millisecond it  means this program print hello world  every 2 second
} ,  2000)

Try other set interval code with a function call

//call other function whatever you want to execute

} ,  2000)

function intervalcall(){

console.log("Hello Fellow user")


Try other set interval code with a time to start trigger

if(new Date().getSeconds() == 20){

//In case  date in  minute you use  "new Date().getMinutes"
//In case  date in  hours you use  "new Date().getHours()"
console.log("Hello Fellow users, trigger on  20 seconds")
},  1000)


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